Shopping Information

Where are we made?

Our products are proudly made in Canada including a variety of natural and organic sourced ingredients worldwide.

How our formulas reflect into our Emotions?

When essential oils are applied externally to the skin or by inhalation, can have an impact on our emotions through several mechanisms. The sense of smell plays a significant role in this process as it is closely linked to the brain's limbic system, which is responsible for regulating emotions and memories.

Absorption and skin penetration: Essential oils applied topically can be absorbed through the skin into the bloodstream. From there, they can interact with receptors and neurotransmitters in the body, including those associated with mood regulation.

Direct nerve stimulation: Essential oils have the ability to directly stimulate nerve endings in the skin. This stimulation can trigger the release of neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine, and endorphins, which are known to influence mood and emotions.

It's important to note that the effects of essential oils on emotions can vary from person to person. Individual preferences, past experiences, and personal associations with specific scents can influence the emotional response to essential oils.

How do I use the products for best results?

Please refer to the Rituals for our recommendations on how to use the products while incorporating a Self-Care moment for yourself.

What is Organic Farming?

We work with trusted suppliers who comply with organic standards and regulations to ensure the authenticity and quality of our products. You’ll be able to find the Organic Farming Sourced Ingredients within our Active Daily Concentrate.

Are there any artificial fragrances or harmfulchemicals in the products?

No, all our formulas are free from artificial fragrances, perfumes, alcohol, parabens, preservatives, and harmful chemicals.

Are these ingredients cruelty-free?

Absolutely! We are committed to offering cruelty-free products, which means our ingredients are not tested on animals. We support ethical practices and advocate for the well-being of animals.

How can I store these ingredients properly?

To maintain the freshness and efficacy of your ingredients, it's important to store them in cool, dry places away from direct sunlight. Our formulas benefit from being stored in airtight containers to prevent moisture, contamination or air exposure.

Can I use these products with other products Ialready have?

Yes, you can incorporate various of products with your existing beauty and body care program. However, it's essential to ensure compatibility and conduct proper research or seek guidance to avoid any adverse reactions.

Are the products suitable for everyone?

All our collection of products can be used by everyone but were specifically designed for the natural evolution of the women’s body.

Please avoid the use on children or during pregnancy or nursing. Avoid applying on open wounds or other skin conditions Avoid contact with the face, eyes, or genital areas.

While organic and natural-based ingredients are generally considered safe, it's best to consult with your healthcare provider before using any new products during pregnancy or while breastfeeding to ensure they are suitable for your specific situation.